Happy 10th Anniversary to Y&Z Beauty

27th July, 2020 is a different and special day for Guangzhou Yilin Leather Co. Ltd, which is 10th anniversary.

Every year, to celebrating the anniversary, our owner Cindy and his husband Hendy will organize a short travel with all the staff . But this special year with the attack of the corona-virus , we prefer to stay safe in office. In the meanwhile we had a small party to celebrate the 10th anniversary.


Here below are some happy moments.


At the beginning of celebration, Cindy and Hendy lead us to sing the song Everything has Gods Good Will”.

Thanks to God for Y&Z Beauty can get through difficulties together in this bad situation. Yes, everything has Gods good will.


Owner Hendy and Cindy gave a speech about the history and the future of Y&Z.



Senior staff who accompanied Y&Z for more than 7 years shared their feelings.



Cindy was giving a hug to the senior staff.

Also, thanks for accompany Y&Z Beauty together, to devote their golden age to company.


Gift flowers to Ivy who has worked in company for 9 years.


Finally, we celebrated staffs birthday who were born in July.


Gifts for them



We enjoyed the delicious snacks and cakes.



Happy birthday to Y&Z.

Sales Department Photo


Big family

Best wishes to Y&Z, and hope it gets better and better.


Thanks all customers for supporting and trusting us all the way.

We shall strive to enhance competitiveness, provide our customers with more value-added services, and become the trusted partner of our customers.


Finally, we wish our customers all over the world would be safe and back to normal life soon. God bless you!